Broad and ancillary coverages to meet unique needs
Robust and competitive commercial auto insurance coverage
We offer a wide range of insurance protection that aligns with each of our classes of business. Backed by our team of dedicated underwriters and an A+ rated carrier partner, KBK has the capacity, appetite and footprint to help you successfully place difficult accounts and grow you book.
Coverage highlights
To expedite the underwriting and quoting processes, KBK’s submission requirements and all applications are available online. Download docs and send us your submissions today.
Success stories
KBK is continually bringing on new accounts across the commercial auto industry. Learn what success looks like and why agents repeatedly turn to us to meet their clients’ unique needs.
We’re ready to quote your commercial auto risks today
We also offer workers’ comp through our sister program, AllComp Solutions!

Brian Atkinson,
Program Director
A respected auto industry veteran, Brian Atkinson leads the KBK team and is committed to helping agents find insurance solutions in the towing, garage, salvage and auto dealer space.
We are here to help
Call us at 205.310.2121 or send a submission and request more information.