Garages, repair & body shop insurance
A robust suite of solutions under one roof
Insurance for garages, repair & body shops
Finding competitive insurance coverage for auto service and repair shops has traditionally been easier said than done. Now, with KBK, it’s easier than ever. Well-versed in the intricacies of the market, our team specializes in seamlessly managing challenging personnel and property risks, as well as exposures associated with related service categories that these businesses may also support.
KBK is no longer appointing new agents in California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, New York and Texas and we are not supporting new ventures, repossession or auto hauling risks at this time.
Competitive insurance coverage
- Commercial auto liability ($1M limit)
- Garage liability & garage keepers
legal liability ($1M limit) - Commercial general liability ($1M
limit) - Commercial property ($3M TIV limit
per location) - Commercial inland marine
- Commercial crime
- Commercial umbrella ($2M limit)
- Broad form coverage
- On-hook cargo ($500,000 limit per
vehicle) - Dealers open lot ($1.5M limit)
- Dealer plates
- Drive away collision ($50,000 limit)
- Tow truck coverage
KBK garages, repair & body shop insurance overview
Our industry-leading insurance program for garages, repair and body shops is summarized in this simple one-pager — perfect for printing or sharing.
We’re ready to quote your commercial auto risks today

Brian Atkinson,
Program Director