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Expertly designed school bus contractor insurance

Specialized coverage from an A++ rated carrier

School bus operators that contract their services out to local school districts face a range of risk exposures that are unique to their line of work. Our coverage offerings and limits address these risks head on, allowing you to provide your clients the protection — and peace of mind — they need.

Our coverages are designed for school bus contractors

With fleets of
10-100 vehicles

In all states excluding Florida,
Louisiana, Michigan, New York
and Nevada

Coverage highlights

General Liability

• Abuse & Molestation Limits up to $1M/$2M
• Commercial General Liability Limits up to $1M/$3M

Auto Physical Damage

• Comprehensive
• Collision

Auto Liability

• $1M Combined Single Limit
• Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist
• Personal Injury Protection Where Required by Law

Property & Inland Marine

• Limits up to $5M Total Insured Value (TIV)


• Owned/Non-Owned/Hired Auto
• Hired Car Physical Damage, Including Loss of Use
• Zero Deductible on Glass Repairs
• Lease Gap Coverage
• Towing
• Electronic Equipment


• Limits up to $250,000

Coverage details

Interested in learning more about our insurance solutions for school bus contractors? Get more details in our coverage overview and please contact us with any questions.

We’re ready to bind your school bus contractor risks today


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Luis Higgins, Underwriting Manager

A trusted commercial auto insurance expert, Luis Higgins leads the School Bus Insurance Solutions team. He works closely with agents and seasoned underwriters to ensure the program provides the most competitive offerings available in the market.

[email protected]

We are here to help

Call us at 504.217.7776 or send a submission and request more information.