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Useful tools and information

Loss control services

ATP is pleased to offer several loss control resources through our carrier partner, Allied World Insurance Company.


Tap into a web-based library of 700+ workplace health and safety courses available on demand 24/7.

Slip, trip & fall training

Access a free online resource portal, in partnership with the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI), which provides access to training programs, industry standards, checklists, an “ask an expert” email and more.

Discounted criminal background checks

Get a comprehensive background check package designed by Praesidium, an industry leader in abuse risk management, for human services clients. The package is available to ATP insureds for only $9.95 per report.

Alert driving

Enable clients to access Hazard Perception Evaluation – a state-of-the-art, web-based predictive behavior analysis tool that identifies driver risk and provides targeted training – at a discount.

Orion Fleet Intelligence

The Orion Fleet Intelligence Program is available for a risk-free, 90-day free discovery period to help policyholders control the costs of operating and insuring their fleets.

Customized loss control

Customized loss control reviews are available for larger, more complex risks.

Resource materials

Krista Mayes

Krista Mayes

Krista Mayes, Program Director

A respected leader in the behavioral healthcare industry, Krista Mayes leads the ATP team in its unwavering commitment to serving agents and their clients with best-in-class specialty insurance and risk management solutions.

[email protected]

We are here to help

Call us at 610.808.9556 or send a submission and request more information.