The Claims Process for Tow Truck Drivers, Garages and Auto Body Shops

Welcome to Wayne’s Claims World!
In this series, we share information on claims trends as well as tips and resources for our KBK insureds to better protect themselves if they have a claim. This month, we’re diving into the claims process with a step-by-step breakdown and important do’s and don’ts.

Agents, make sure your insureds are aware of this information, and more importantly, that they understand it.
Most insureds don’t have claims very often, so it’s unlikely they understand the flow of claims from start to finish. However, if and when a claim does occur, it’s imperative agents and their insureds know the steps to take and when — especially because many steps are time-sensitive, and research shows the longer a claim is open, the more costly it becomes.
Agents should review and file this information so it is easily accessible when a loss occurs.
Disclaimer: The information and recommendations in this blog are not legal advice and are not intended to constitute legal advice. If anyone reading any part of this blog believes that they want legal advice or need legal advice, they should seek legal counsel with lawyers who are licensed to practice law in their State. The recommendations in this blog are for general informational purposes only.
As a benefit of partnering with KBK Insurance Group, Wayne is available as a resource to help agents and their insureds at any time! Wayne can assist in many ways, from reviewing manuals to visiting a site to discuss loss mitigation.

Wayne King
[email protected]
(860) 707-6273