NSM’s 2022 MLK Week of Service

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a time for reflection and service to others. One of our favorite quotes from Dr. King truly embodies what we strive to do at NSM through our charitable giving and volunteer efforts, and even in how we support our agents and customers: “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?”
To honor Dr. King’s legacy and important work toward racial equality and community activism and underscore our commitment to giving back, we hosted our annual MLK Week of Service project, which offers our employees several opportunities to volunteer in our local communities.
This month, our teammates stepped up in a big way and supported two local nonprofit organizations dedicated to meeting critical community-based needs:
Creating Bags for Families in Need for the Patrician Society
NSM volunteers gathered together to assemble toiletry bags and cleaning supply bags for local families in need.
The Patrician Society provides help for elderly people on fixed incomes, homeless persons, parents who receive public assistance while caring for children, residents of boarding homes, recently unemployed and underemployed family breadwinners and others in need. It has been serving the economically marginalized community in Greater Norristown since 1981.
“I find it rewarding that volunteerism is a part of my experience at NSM and it feels good to know we are helping local community organizations that provide essential items for our neighbors in need.” —Courtney Leonard, Account Manager
Packing Boxes of Food for Seniors for the Share Food Program
NSM volunteers packed boxes of nutritious food for local seniors living below the poverty line. Share Food Program distributes these boxes to more than 6,500 seniors each month.
The Share Food Program leads the fight against food insecurity in the Philadelphia region by serving an expansive, quality partner network of community-based organizations and school districts engaged in food distribution, education and advocacy.
“Relationships are at the center of everything we do at NSM. I personally hold that near and dear to my heart and appreciate that we continue to build on our legacy of being a service-oriented organization.” —Paul Griffing, Account Executive
Giving back is an important part of our NSM culture and something we strive to do all year round — including IICF Week of Giving and the Annual Ben to the Shore bike ride to support Families Behind the Badge Children’s Foundation.
To learn more about our community impact and how we take action to support our local communities, please visit: nsminc-2021-staging.aoazats1-liquidwebsites.com/careers/community-impact/