As preconstruction services become more widely used in the commercial construction industry, this timely webinar evaluates the competing values and risks of this evolving trend. Download webinar slides Learning Objectives
Employee and employer rules and regulations can be daunting or confusing, and often leave a business vulnerable or potentially at legal risk. Understanding that federal laws can change frequently, this webinar aims to ensure that design-build business owners know their rights and obligations based on current legal principles in employment law. Download webinar slides […]
Contracts used in design and construction allocate numerous risks among the different contracting parties. Understanding the ins and outs of these allocation clauses is critical to proactively assessing and managing contractual risks. Learning objectives
More contractors are going beyond their traditional role of builder and stepping into other roles in an effort to improve the efficiency and profitability of projects. However, with new roles comes new risks. With the help of this webinar, learn how to effectively identify and manage these new risks in design contracts, leverage recent court […]